The New Year is always a good time to declutter your home.
Is it possible that you have a room that is
chock full of clutter? I’m guilty my Office and Shoe Room!!!
Maybe that is your "junk room" and you literally
keep the door closed. Maybe it's your garage.
Maybe it's your bedroom and you know you would
sleep better if you got rid of the clutter that's
lurking nearby.
Clutter can put you in a bad mood, but an orderly
room will make your energy soar.
Sometimes the clutter can be so bad that you have
to attack it by "dividing and conquering."
Take just one part of the clutter and work on
that, so you can see progress quickly, instead of
being overwhelmed.
Here's how to "divide and conquer" a room with a
mishmash of clutter.
Start with the clothes.
Suppose it's your bedroom which is a Royal Mess.
(Of course if we were royalty, we wouldn't have
a mess, because we would have a lot of people to
clean up after us, but never mind.)
You need your clothes - and if your clothes are
in order, not only will you feel better; your
wardrobe will seem to have tripled. It's not
good for clothing to be all wrinkled up stashed
on the floor (but try convincing a teenager of
Once you deal with the clothing, you will have
significantly diminished the clutter in the room.
Clothing in this case includes anything made
of fabric - towels, sheets, tablecloths, curtains,
and so forth.
As you can see, dealing with the clothing can turn
into a big task. But if you ONLY focus on the fabrics
for now, it does make your decluttering job easier.
So this week I must focus on my "junk room," wherever that is,
ignore everything else except the clothing! Examine
each piece to see what it needs - washing, dry cleaning,
ironing, or just hanging up or putting away.
Not enough places to put the clothes away? Then either
eliminate some, or get a double-hanger for my closet.
You can Join me for the Holiday to eliminate as much as you can!! Donate you will have
simplified your life.
If you're busy today, then give this job whatever time
you have between doctor appointments and Love Birding, I had little time but at least I can see progress. Join me to Commit to ten minutes
per day to deal with clothing - until it becomes a habit.
You'll feel so proud of your closets - in no time!
My friend Mimi Tanner and Oak Publishing book, Declutter Fast, has hints and methods which
will declutter your life immediately - it can be done,
and literally thousands of readers of this book have
done exactly this! You'll breathe a sigh of relief
when your home is in order!
Whether you decide to get decluttered in one day, or
little by little, I encourage you to keep making
progress - because eventually you will reach your
goal of an orderly home.
And stay tuned to this newsletter for more tips on how
to declutter your world.
Every effort we make adds up. Here's to order in our lives!
Declutter Fast - Get Your Home In Order! (mobile only)
How To Declutter Your Home Immediately! Discover The Joy And Power Of Order. This Quick Read Changes Your Life!
With love,
Click and Read HereMonica