Sunday, November 27, 2011

Making A Case Statment for Pre-Marital Education

Making A Case Statment for Pre-Marital Education
Dr. Monica Watts -Hopkins Baldwin
Department of Psychology
MS Professional Counseling Student
Liberty University, Lynchburg VA

Indeed to have preventative programs to help married couples deal with marital challenges with a practical approach is particularly valuable. Dysfunctional marriages negatively affect the life of each partner, family, and community. Premarital education is in an effort to push happy and healthy marriages.
Due to my depth clinical health care experience, all prevention measures should be viewed as advantageous means to the end. Government and religious establishments should develop Premarital education and counseling for the health of the community incorporated with Children and Family Services. “Child Protective Services (CPS) is the name of a governmental agency in many states of the United States that responds to reports of child abuse or neglect. Some states use other names, often attempting to reflect more family-centered (as opposed to child-centered) practices, such as "Department of Children & Family Services" (DCFS). CPS is also known by the name of "Department of Social Services" (DSS) or simply "Social Services."
Awareness of the psychology effects of divorce and single parent household, can recover the entire family structure avoiding marital dysfunction that may arise to domestic violence, child abuse, and mental health issues. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” (Benjamin Franklin). “There are many reasons to expect a mother’s (re)marriage or union formation to improve the lives of children. For example, remarriage is associated with substantial improvement in the economic well-being of women and their children after a marital dissolution (Holden and Smock 1991; Peterson 1996 as cited in (Sweeney).

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BibliographySweeney, M. M. (n.d.). Diverse Pathways into Step families and the Emotional Well-Being of Adolescents. Retrieved 11 27, 2011, from Princeton:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Evaluating Your Marriage Break Up- Take The Time

Evaluating Your Marriage Break Up- Take The TimeYou may be feeling quite overwhelmed if you are dealing with a marriage break up. With all there is to think about and deal with you may not know where to start. It is best to step back, clear your head and then sort everything out logically and if possible without too much emotion attached.

When you get married you believe that the marriage will last forever and it can come as a big shock when that marriage falls apart. Your planned life has suddenly changed drastically and you aren't sure where your life is heading anymore. Then there are so many issues to take care of, both emotionally and financially. The issues can be much worse if you have children involved who will also be affected by a divorce.

There may be a chance that you can work things out and get your marriage back together. This does happen between couples if they can sit down and talk about what the problems are in their marriage without it turning into an argument. If you find that every time you try to talk about things you both walk away angrier than before, then perhaps you should use a mediator.

A marriage counselor can help you to talk things through and work out your issues. A church pastor or minister is another option and often quite a good one. A pastor tends to be more committed to helping save marriages as it is what the church firmly believes in. A pastor will genuinely want to help you to restore your marriage and will do what he can to assist you with that.

If your marriage is beyond repair and you know that it is over for good then you need to accept that it is over and start planning for your future. A good divorce attorney is always a good idea and it really is best to get all your finances and assets settled sooner rather than later.

To settle all the financial matters you may need to consider selling your house and splitting the proceeds or one party buying out the other. You will need to split any bank account balances or loans. Then there is the furniture and appliances in your home, you will need to decide who will take what. It is best to get all of these things sorted out early so you can get closure and move on. If you delay settling these issues then it can be difficult to move on.

The hardest thing to handle during a marriage break up is if there are children involved and you need to decide on custody. It is important to put the child's best interests first and always do what is best for them. Don't try to influence the way the child feels about the other parent as this can confuse and even damage a child psychologically. You also need to be careful of the children's feelings about the divorce as many children will think that it is somehow their fault so you need to make sure that your child knows that the divorce is not his fault. Assure the children that you love them and that the problem lies between you and your ex and nothing to do with them.

Never get your children stuck in the middle of fights between you and your ex. Don't talk badly about your ex in front of them or do anything to alienate them from the other parent. Unless the children have been abused by your ex, then there should be no reason why he can't have some access to the children.

Try to work together with your ex to arrange visitation times and custody. It is best if you can work it out between you instead of dragging it through court and fighting over custody arrangements. Try to be flexible with visitation too, if your ex can't have the kids on time on his allocated night, swap it for another night. For the sake of the kids it is best to try and be negotiable.

Whatever you do, don't ever let the kids think that the divorce is their fault and don't get them caught in the middle of any arguments or custody battles. Your future planning must always incorporate your children and have them as your first priority.

Marriage break ups aren't easy but you will get through it and move on with your life.

Friday, November 18, 2011

women’s marriage attitude started to decrease since 1976

What are your hypotheses regarding the existence of these attitudes? Why do these negative trends exist?
Studies indicate that women’s marriage attitude started to decrease since 1976 and is going on to date. At first, these attitudes were triggered by factors like women’s liberation movements and sexual awareness revolution. Above 30% of women have resulted to “shack ups”, where they live together with men before marriage. Most women who are not married are still wondering whether they will have happier marriages rather than shacking up (Ford, 2010, p.2).
According to Dr. Scott Stanley there are many births which occur to married women that the unmarried. The rate of unmarried women has increased since 1960, from 5.3 percent to 41.0 percent by the end of 2009. Since 2001, births resulting from cohabiting couples have increased. Among those who get married for the first time, there is a 40-50% of divorce. Many of these marriages have ended within three to five years, especially for those who are between 25 to 29 years. However, within the first and the second year marriage seems to be nice and with few problems as compared to cohabiting.

My hypotheses regarding the presence of women attitudes and negative trends concerning shacking up is influenced by commitment priorities and women individualism. As I always say, an important decision any woman can make in life is to love, honor and cherish oneself. I truly believe a strong sense of dignity is the key to lasting happiness and fulfillment. While the media and musical artist such as Beyoncé Knowles band hit song Destiny's Child - Independent Women promote this new scheme of female liberation and independence about having a fantastic life, but they want to share it with someone special. Many women may avoid union to leave their options open, to ensure they have found just the right person. In addition, Woman as myself know that, no matter what path life may bring, they desire a partner that is going to stick together through it all in which they would need to solidify this with a commitment. Many women personal sense of commitment may or may not include legal paperwork (aka marriage), but may involve commitment trends such as a verbal agreement between a couple to date one another exclusively. Every woman's expectations are different, and has become perfectly social acceptable as long as the man in their life is honoring the relationship!
Women view marriage with regards to economics, costs and benefits of relationships, and become reluctant to get married. This is clearly depicted by the interdependency theory, which tries to assess the state of relationships based on rewards and costs in order to evaluate how such relationships influence the individuals involved (Miller & Perlman, 2009, p.178). This theory assesses the level of satisfaction, value of alternatives, and income to determine the facilitating factors in establishing relationships. In essence, woman are now more independent than before because they have professional knowledge and jobs, and thus commitment is marriage is becoming low. This implies that women have alternatives that can prevent them from the risks of divorce or destructive relationships, and perhaps may assume cohabitating is more beneficial.
There had been times in my life when I had to settle, for example stuck in the middle seat on an airplane, or when my breakfast order is not correct and I do not have time to ask for a new one while late to work! It is a part of life we can not have things just perfect. However, when it comes to todays’ relationships, because women celebrated independency there is certainly no reason to settle for less than what they. Today’s women are aware there are certain things in a relationship that require compromise for example spouse wants to live in the big city, but the other is set on living in the mountains, it makes sense find a balance where both live happily.

Destiny's Child - Independent Women by Drunken-Li-Dragon
However, this compromise does not stand for unhealthy relationships that wear women down, and ultimately does not live up to their expectations. In conclusion, cultural standards and marital problems experienced by women can result to negative attitudes about marriage. Currently, women feel more independent because they have better alternatives, such as cohabitating rather than getting married. This is to avoid over-commitment in marriage, which is depicted by married couples. However, even young children, especially girls, get negative attitudes from their parents whose marriages are not successful. Apart from counseling marriage couples, young girls and boys should also be counseled through school programs that educate them on desirable attitudes that will promote positively about marriage in the future. The government should also create campaigns that encourage women to go for marriage counseling where they are helped to solve marriage problems.

Ford, A. (2010, March). The urge to merge: Does shacking up lead to breaking up? Retrieved from
Miller, R., Perlman, D. (2009). Intimate relationships (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
All Rights Monica Watts-Hopkins Baldwin , Universal Image LLC.

Dr Monica Hopkins-Baldwin-Candidate
Body language is very easy and fun to learn. With this book, you will soon be reading and making body movements to achieve the success you’ve always longed for – in no time at all. Do yourself a big favor and get a copy of The Art of Body Language Magic.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

when a woman's fed up (No matter how you beg

when a woman's fed up (No matter how you beg, no) It ain't nothing you can do about it (Nothing you can do about it) It's like running out of love If

you want to know how to get your ex-girlfriend back there is good news and bad news. The good news is that there is hope and, in many cases, things can eventually work out. The bad news is that this is not always the case. Sometimes things simply don’t work out- no matter how much you want it to.

Whether or not an ex will come back depends on a number of situations. First off: why did she leave in the first place? If it was something that you did then it might not be repairable in her eyes. If she were bored with the relationship then maybe she won’t come back. And if she doesn’t want to be in the relationship anymore then you definitely don’t want her back.

For the first scenario, if cheating is involved you have to ask yourself: if the roles were reversed, would you be willing to forgive and forget? Even if she does come back, there would always be hesitation to completely trust you again. So you have to ask yourself: why did you cheat in the first place? Obviously, something was missing.

If she left because she was bored with the relationship then you may simply not be compatible. Sometimes two people just aren’t meant to be together. No matter how much you may care for someone, you can’t make them like, or love, you. And you wouldn’t want to. Was she bored because you wouldn’t pay her attention? Were you open with her? Did you put her first? These are things that you have to ask yourself. Re-evaluating your relationship will give you answers that you need- and may not want to admit.

If she just doesn’t want to be connected to you, why would you want her back? There has to be a reason why someone would blatantly reveal this news to you and yet you keep coming back for more. If this is the sad case, then you are just setting yourself up for continuous, and repeated, heartache.

If you really want to know how to get your ex-girlfriend back then sometimes it is worth the try to talk to her one more time. Once she leaves, give her a few days to cool off. Not responding right away shows her that you are not needy. You should call her now to ask her for one last favor. If she is willing to talk you, then you can conveniently get all of your questions answered at once.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Body Language: Signs Of Falling In Love

Body Language: Signs Of Falling In Love
How can you tell that a person is already falling in love with you? A person's body language can spell out his or her true feelings and intentions for you. A person in love has that certain glow every time he or she is with that special person, but what are the other signs?

You will notice that a person is already falling for you if he can't stand being far from you, gives more smiles and laughter, mirror your actions, cannot keep his eyes off you, and have that certain glow.

Personal Space And Distance

A person in love with you would look for several ways just to be closer to you. You will know that a person's personal space has gotten smaller when he or she gets comfortable with you even in the slightest distance. And notice if in a room full of people, he will always try to stay close to you.

That person would also tend to lean his body towards you, whether when sitting down or standing up. The direction of his or her body would be always turned towards you. If not, then the direction of her eyes will show who is in her mind.

More Touch, Smiles, And Laughter
A person who is starting to fall for you would listen to you more, thus would give more reactions than he or she did during your first dates. There would be more laughter even for the cheesiest jokes. While talking, one will find in inevitable from smiling, especially during silence. This is because that person is truly enjoying his or her time with you.

He or she would also touch you from time to time. A tap on the shoulder, placing the hand on the small of the back, hugging, and holding the hands are some of the most common touching body language in falling in love.

The Mirroring Actions
This is a funny yet very sweet signal of attraction since it is done unconsciously most of the time. This is where a person would imitate the actions of that special person. For example, you will prop your chin onto your hand, the person in love with you will follow that specific action.

The Longer Stare
A person in love with you simply cannot take his eyes off you. Most especially when the feeling has just begun to develop, he or she would find difficulty in concentrating on other things. The stare is usually intimate or intense, and it is accompanied with a slight smile.

That Certain Glow
Somehow unexplainable, a person has a certain aura around him or her when he or she is in love and happy. It is due to the extreme happiness and joy coming from the inside, and this is well-reflected with a sparkle in the eyes and a smile that is hard to remove from the face.
ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2010) — A new meta-analysis study conducted by Syracuse University Professor Stephanie Ortigue reveals falling in love can elicit not only the same euphoric feeling as using cocaine, but also affects intellectual areas of the brain. Researchers also found falling in love only takes about a fifth of a second.

When a person falls in love, it changes him entirely and this is reflected in his or her body language. Some people fail to notice this, but these signs are definitely there. The person himself is even unaware that he is already providing hints and clues about his true feelings for that special someone. Most people find them hard to miss, and would love these signals of deep attraction sent through the silence but delivered by simple romantic actions and gestures.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Principles for a Stronger Marriage - no charge

Principles for a Stronger Marriage - no charge

It really doesn't matter where you are in your relationship. If you're struggling or if you're doing great, every garden needs weeding from time to time
You are invited to participate in a marriage enrichment counseling practicum.

I am a graduate student in counseling at Liberty University. I am providing this opportunity as part of my Premarital and Marital Counseling class requirements. I will be receiving credit for your participation. There are no fees for the counseling experience. This practicum opportunity will involve three one-hour sessions, couple’s homework assignments, and a relationship profile test (PAIR2). The PAIR2 test is a 200-question, online questionnaire that identifies personality traits, behaviors, preferences and interests of each member of the couple and helps to identify complementary traits, similarities and differences in the relationship. This information can help enhance a couple’s understanding of each other and their relationship and be useful in developing goals for strengthening the marriage and increasing mutual satisfaction.

Dr Monica Hopkins-Baldwin-Candidate
Body language is very easy and fun to learn. With this book, you will soon be reading and making body movements to achieve the success you’ve always longed for – in no time at all. Do yourself a big favor and get a copy of The Art of Body Language Magic.

Pre-Order Download The Art Body Language Magic Now

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Passion, Bond and Trust

It is not uncommon, during a ladies night out or shopping to hear my peers complain about wanting to be closer to their spouse, lover or partner and want more love, passion, bond and trust. Many acknowledge that they can all improve communicating and connecting with their partner, and just do not know where or how to start? Most of us feel that way at some time in our relationships and lives.
Communication Most couples have resigned themselves to ambivalent, bland relationships full of unspoken secrets and unmet needs, but it doesn't have to be that way! One of the important areas and interventions in Worthington's (2005) book that I learned in the chapter four was concerning communication in which couples present to counseling experiencing lack of love, present communication problems. When communication between partners fades, so does love, hope, and faith in the marriage (Worthington, 2005, p. 64). The role of the counselor is to facilitate improved communication between partners in order to facilitate love, hope, and faith in the marriage union, thus inspiring the couple to continue working on the marriage. Sometimes it is a one-time challenge and other times you have been in a pattern of non-communicating or mis-communicating and one just does not know how to get out of it. Helping couples to understand this pattern is a significant factor to rebuilding closeness. Often, couples enter a marriage with different learned patterns of communication, sometimes patters that are at odds with one another. In order to facilitate better communication patterns between the couple, it is the counselor’s responsibility to engage the couple in understanding their personal and marital communication patterns and evaluate what works in their situation (Worthington, 2005, p. 65)
One thing we've discovered about the differences between men and women when it comes to love, relationships and sexual intimacy, in which is the stereo type that women want to be "romanced." The trouble is each spouse may have a remarkably different idea about what that means, thus the problem. “Closeness is necessary for a healthy marriage, yet the types and levels needed varies from one marriage to another, from partner to anther and sometimes from one moment to the next” (Worthington, 2005, p. 68) As closeness and intimacy is often so closely related to a person’s personal feelings of love, it is vital to help the couple track and understand that a loss of love is not inevitably final. I think when partners get on the same page or balance, both partners get what they want in their relationships and marriages. According to Worthington, Jr.,” Each person needs to establish a unique balance among distance, coaction, and intimacy (Worthington, 2005, p. 68)

Worthington, E. L. (2005). Hope-focused marriage counseling: A guide to brief therapy. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Continued Marriage Priorities

All Rights Monica Watts-Hopkins Baldwin , Universal Image LLC.

Dr Monica Hopkins-Baldwin-Candidate
Body language is very easy and fun to learn. With this book, you will soon be reading and making body movements to achieve the success you’ve always longed for – in no time at all. Do yourself a big favor and get a copy of The Art of Body Language Magic.

Pre-Order Download The Art Body Language Magic Now

Friday, November 4, 2011

Little Mrs. Perfect Relationship

Have you ever talked to women who say they have a healthy,
functional relationship because they're "Got their man Sprung"? These
Women will often brag that their man is securely wrapped around their, neatly acrylic finger
and have them "Put a Ring on it".

Well, Don’t Believe the hype, If Mrs. Berry can get dropped like a hot Black Berry Pie any One Can!

These armature Divas mistaken if they think playing mind games with their guy is going to make him stick around. I beg to differ on that one.

The late-night stalker phone calls, the jealousy ploys and
getting-him-to-change ultimatums are all short-lived strategies
guaranteed to make him leave eventually.

You and I know that getting your man to stick it out with you for
the long run is not based on lies or deception. Classy women such
as you and I, should be above scheming and manipulative tactics that
will only make that fish flop back to sea.

(Assuming of course, that a respectable guy would fall for a game
player in the first place!)

The self-respecting woman is good at catching their guy by having
them come HER way without having to tug on his strings like a mad
puppeteer. Their attitude simply leads them to do the things that
condition a man's mind into exuding gentlemanly behavior. (...or the
kind of mentality that gives HER the strength to move on if he
isn't right for her!)

It's her attitude that keeps men from overstepping their
boundaries, without making them feel chained to the proverbial ball.

In fact, today we'll be covering three traits that are part of what
a quality woman IS and does in her daily dealings with the
oh-so-mysterious opposite sex.

In this modern age of political correctness and equal rights, men
and women are on equal footing in many fields, be it business,
arts, entertainment, politics, and so on. The dynamics in
male-female relations have changed so much over the past few
decades that traditional roles are now interchangeable.

No longer does the wife have to stay at home and watch over the
kids by default. Nowadays, it isn't rare to find double-income
families or those that have the Dad working out of home while Mom
is carving out a kick-ass career for herself in the office.

I'm all for these new changes taking place in the social landscape,
but I ask you: where does that leave men and women in the dating
scene? Are guys supposed to let us open the door by ourselves?
Are we free to walk home alone as we part ways at the end of the

Most of all, he supposed to pick up the tab, or at least split

Such convoluted questions, are they not? But here's my take on the
whole matter - sure, with equal rights come equal responsibility.
Yet, women are the ones who give birth, who have to put up with
uncomfortable fashion trends and who, in many cases, are STILL paid
less than the men who do the SAME work.

So I say, let him be the gentleman if he's dating you. When it
comes to love and courtship, it is a natural given that men are the
pursuers and we are the, um, pursues (for lack of a better term).

Therefore, it follows that said pursuer will want to go out of HIS
way to please his dream girl. The losers on the other hand, will
let her pay for the whole bill.

Besides, who says you're going to make him pay for ALL of your dates?
There's nothing wrong with splitting the tab after you've gotten Married or
more serious later on.

At the beginning however, don't stop him when picks up the bill.
Let him prove his worth to you, and then you can take it from there.
Even in the face of equality, don't start correcting your man if he
wants to treat you a like a lady.

The only thing though, is that you shouldn't come across as though
you're entitled to it just because you're sharing the same
breathing space as him. Be pleasantly friendly, engage him in good
conversation, and show REAL interest in what he has to say.

In other words, be a good date in order to "earn" his chivalrous
affections. Just remember to show him that you appreciate those
little things that he does for you.

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