Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Job Of The Relationships Wife-It Can Be Overwhelming

The Job Of The Relationships Wife-It Can Be Overwhelming

It isn't always being the relationships wife and trying to keep the relationship running smoothly.  It often feels like you have all the responsibility and it can become a bit overwhelming at times.  Many years ago men went out to work while the woman stayed home to take care of the house and family.  These days the wife is often going out to work too and still expected to look after the home also.

If you try to do it all yourself you may become exhausted and have to sacrifice much of your own needs.  Not only do you have a job, a house to look after, but it is often put on you to preserve the marriage and keep the spark in the relationship.  Often women may end up finding themselves exhausted and even depressed.

There are two people in a relationship and you shouldn't take all the blame if your relationship is struggling.  Your husband should pull his weight and make an effort to keep your relationship alive.  If you both have jobs then you should both share in the housework too.  If you find your relationship in trouble you need to keep in mind that there are two parties and it is not all the fault of the relationships wife.
If you are the husband you may feel that nothing you do makes your wife happy.  You need to remember though that it is not your sole duty to keep your wife happy, she also needs to take some responsibility for her own happiness.  Although your actions will have an effect on her happiness, she is responsible for her happiness too.
Women and men have different needs and it is important to recognize this.  If you are trying to improve your relationship then you should sit down and discuss your needs so that you will both have an idea of what the other person wants and needs.
One great book that shows the different ways and needs of men and women is John Gray's Mars and Venus.  Women and often more emotional than men and something that a woman may get upset about might not mean as much to a man.  Men and women will approach situations and confrontations differently.
If you feel that your relationship is quite balanced and you share things equally you may still be surprised to discover that your thoughts and views are actually quite different.  Men and women tend to have different roles that they fall into.  You can read books about the differences between men and women and you will most likely be quite surprised.
Your spouse might not be interested in reading books but you could still have a read and see what you think.  However, it takes two people to save a relationship and the relationships wife cannot do it all on her own.  Having said that, sometimes if you begin to make an effort that effort will rub off on the husband and he will respond by putting in an effort himself.
Sometimes it's just a matter of being more thoughtful and respectful to your husband and he will respond by being more thoughtful and respectful to you.  The role of the relationships wife can be an emotional and exhausting one but it is also one that is satisfying and rewarding.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hungry for Love ?? Relationship Diet Plan ...

Healthy Relationships- Tips To See If You Have Healthy Relationships

Everyone wants to have healthy relationships. A good, loving strong relationship is something most of us would love to have. Whether it is a friendship, a romantic relationship or even a work place relationship, there are good relationships and there are not so good relationships.
If you want to know what makes up healthy relationships I can provide you with some guidelines but at the end of the day, you know what is good and what isn't. You may not always want to acknowledge that if you are in a relationship that you don't really want to leave but in your heart you know it is not healthy, but you still know.

Here are some things that are indicators of a good and strong relationship:

1. Does each person in the relationship take responsibility for their words and actions? If one of you acts badly or lashes out when things go wrong (which shouldn't happen very often) do you at least own up to your own inappropriate behavior and sincerely apologize or do you get petulant and even more angry?

2. Are each of you comfortable and capable of being on your own? It's one thing to love another person and to want to be with them, but it's quite another to feel like you can't do anything on your own or be on your own.

3. You are both able to talk freely and openly about your feelings, both good and bad feelings without having to worry about your partner getting angry and defensive. If you are not in a relationship where you can freely express how you feel without worry of some sort of retribution, even if it is just the silent treatment, than it isn't a totally healthy relationship.

4. You should both be comfortable with saying no to anything that you don't like or want to do. If you feel guilty about standing your ground or if your partner "punishes" you for standing your ground, that is not a sign of a good solid relationship.

5. There should never be any type of abuse. Abuse can come in many forms. If your partner gets a kick out of cutting you down and embarrassing you in front of others, that is abuse (even if they say they are "just kidding" or you are "too sensitive"). That is abuse and there is no excuse for it.

To put it in a nutshell, if you want to have strong, loving respectful relationships, you must be willing to "demand" it. I don't mean by screaming and yelling I mean by simply refusing to settle for anything less. If you are with someone who doesn't feel the same way, you leave. If you don't treat yourself badly you probably won't attract anyone who will treat you badly either and at least if you do, you will stand up and tell them "no".

So, go out and grab your own healthy relationships, or if you are already in a relationship, take stock and make sure it is a good relationship. Even if it needs work, you and your partner can work together to make things better, it's up to you.

My friend and colleague Jonathon Aslay is known to the women he coaches as the "Guy Spy to the Male Mind"

Dr.Monica Watts-Hopkins
MPsyD-c , CLOA Practitioner, FLE, BSHAContact Sites !
Apprentice Doctor Foundation

Global Sciences Foundation

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Science itself has proven the power of superstitions

The power of Friday the 13th is serious business! Whether you believe in superstitions or not, their power to affect innumerable aspects of every day life is undeniable.
For example, baseball, "America's game," is famous for its superstitions. In 1996 John Wetteland, closing pitcher for the New York Yankees, refused to change his cap for the entire regular and post baseball season. He ended up leading the Yankees to their first World Series win since 1978, broke an eighteen-year streak of bad luck, and was ultimately voted Most Valuable Player of the championship series.
Streets named by numbers often skip the number 13, and in high rise buildings, the twelfth floor is almost always followed immediately by the 14th floor. The 13th floor is simply "skipped" over or given a "safer" label.
Science itself has proven the power of superstitions ingeneral and of Friday the 13th in particular...
Every Friday the 13th coincides with a measurable economic downturn. On that day people tend to avoid travel, business transactions, and contact with the outside world. As a result the restaurant, vacation, and entertainment industries lose billions of dollars.
But there's more to it than just people's fears. Scientific studies performed in Britain proved that although fewer people drive on Friday the 13th, the number of collision-related hospital admissions is significantly greater than on normal Fridays.
Are people just driving "spooked" on Friday the that they're jittery and more prone to foolish mistakes? Does the economy take a dip because nervous people simply stay home? Do superstitious practices just enhance a baseball player's sense of security and confidence and help him succeed?
Possibly, but I think it's something more than that, don't you?
I want to tell you a secret: Friday the 13this actually an incredible force for good luck and prosperity
The legend of the number 13 itself goes back to 600 B.C. and the philosophy of Pythagoras, who believed that 13 did not mean a cutoff, but rather a chance for evolution and change. It did not point to warnings of endings but rather to new beginnings. Thus, it was a number to be favored and a favorable date on which to enter this world.
Friday the 13th was also a holy day in the Church. A true miracle occurred at St. Paul's Cathedral, in London, on Friday the 13th in December, 1940. The lives of hundreds of people were saved when the famous church remained untouched during one of the worst air raids in the history of World War II.
This magical day has even made baseball history! On Friday, April 13, 1984, Pete Rose hit a double off Jerry Koosman in Olympic Stadium to become only the second player to reach the 4,000-hit level, after Ty Cobb.
Regardless of Friday the 13th's history, there is an inexplicable sense that luck can be dramatically altered on this date -- a feeling so strong that, as studies have shown, it affects the fortunes of millions of people throughout the world.

Dr.Monica Watts-Hopkins
MPsyD-c , CLOA Practitioner, FLE, BSHA

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mending A Broken Heart-Roller Coaster Of Emotions Not Forever

Mending A Broken Heart-Roller Coaster Of Emotions Not Forever

It's a pretty safe bet that many members of the animal kingdom feel various emotions. There is even strong evidence to suggest that some species care deeply for members of their family group, yet it's hard to imagine that any animal could have the same depth of affection as people do. familiar to you, then you can take comfort in knowing that mending a broken heart is possible.
Being in love is one of the strongest emotions there is. Even though love is a marvelous thing, there are some downsides to it. First, love can cloud your judgment; preventing you from seeing things as they are. Second, love doesn't always last and that can lead to intense heart break that may seem like it will never end. If this sounds
However, you need to stay grounded in reality. The truth is that while you can mend your heartache, it's rarely easy, and it will take some time before you return to feeling normal. That being said, it is worth the effort when you consider the alternative of not fixing the problem.

The funny thing about a broken heart is that you won't always feel like it's broken. There will be times when you feel sad, no doubt, but there will also be times that you feel guilty, angry or even relieved. But, until you are completely over your former partner, you can be sure that there is some heart break playing a role in your emotions. So, how do you go about mending a broken heart?

To be blunt, you need to confront the problem. While you may be able to take temporary comfort in denial, it will only delay things from getting better. You have to be completely honest with yourself and how you feel.

Being honest is the only way you will be able to work things out. It won't be easy, but you need to figure out why you feel so heartbroken. Do you feel betrayed by your ex? Do you feel you betrayed them? Was there a death? Were they unfaithful? Do you feel guilty? Do you think you could have done more? Do you think you did all you could, and just can't understand why you broke up anyway? Whatever it is, identifying the real problem is the key to solving it.

Once you have figured out what the root of your broken heart is, you can fix it. For example, if you're feeling guilty, then you need to forgive yourself. But if it was something your partner did, then you need to forgive them. You have to be willing to do whatever it is that needs to be done.

You also need to be realistic about mending a broken heart. Because it isn't always easy, you may not be able to do it on your own. If you find you're just not getting any better, then it may be time to seek help from a counselor...again, whatever it takes. Give it time and face it head on, and you will be feeling better before you know it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

He left me to feel confused....

Hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
The new year always tiger me to check myself like “Mirror: Mirror on the Wall, Tell me the Truth that’s All” I’m a firm believer we create our own situations, in most cases (not all, of course).

We attract who is in our lives and who is not. I have created a Hard Core Theory, I don't like to hear people blame others or blame circumstances, and I don't tolerate that from myself, so don’t sit in my chair pointing fingers. I know it’s Hard but we have to look at our own role in the situation. (It's
Still okay to be royally mad at the other person while we're still reaching total forgiveness or whatever! Might as well be honest and acknowledge our anger as long as it's
Still true! That may make it easier to let it go, too.)

On the other hand, we can't get down on ourselves. That's just as counter-productive Winners all make mistakes -sometimes gigantic mistakes. We can't live in the past. We owe it to ourselves to move forward!

We do learn from disasters - they are our own personal reality checks!

In my page, I often read that women are waiting
For a man who is not showing interest in them. I must admit, I can relate to such an experience! When I was a true blond (no offense ) to get the clear signal, he left me to feel confused... and But WHEN I CHECKED my self-there is nothing confusing about it.

We all know when a man is interested... or
Interested enough, as I call it!

If he's interested enough, he will show it.

If he's not interested enough... well, then,
He’s Not Interested Enough!!

Can you influence whether or not a guy will call you?
What so many women (and men) do wrong is
That they fall in love and then suddenly think
That their primary goal in life is to make it
Easier for the other person to be in the relationship.

That is going about it all wrong.
"If a man is pursuing you, and excited about it and you
Start calling him frequently, you have just told him that
You’re not the elusive girl he thought you were, and that
He doesn't need to spend that much time thinking about you
Anymore, because you've made that quite unnecessary.

Dr.Monica Watts-Hopkins
MPsyD-c , CLOA Practitioner, FLE, BSHAContact Sites ! Doctor Foundation
Global Sciences Foundation
Here's an excerpt from my affiliate and friend book on this subject, which is at
I have read and Reviewed a few case studies on this subject, and Mimi hit the nail on the head !!!