Helping couples to effectively resolve conflict by practicing faith, work and love is the goal of a hope-focused marriage counselorCouples must understand boundaries and that only the Lord is able to meet all of their needs all of the time. Healthy relationships include both times of closeness and times of space for both parties involved. An understanding of covenantal rather than contractual commitment is necessary for couples to understand the commitment involved in a love filled marriage
Worthington, method or theory of counseling is a very important message to our daily life walk as GOD children because so many relationships focus are conditional and dependent on others behavior towards us. The old grandmother saying “Treat People the way you want to be Treated “ is a saying of the past, now it’s more like how other people behave toward us. Unfortunate as the "phileo" is a more common type of love couples focus on; therefore when the going” GET tough, the Tough it GONE!” This is very different than than other theory’s that target on the problem or conditions in which the love mention in Hope Focused Marriage it more a agape, love extended through ones faith. Agape type of love that’s experience with GOD through Jesus Christ, Agape love gives and sacrifices without expecting but trusting/Hope. Love is willingness to value and to avoid devaluing people that springs from a caring other focused heart (pg. 33) According to E. Worthington; faith involves trust in one’s partner (pg.34) in which trust may be dismissed in a trouble marriage because the parents are focused on the spouse negative behavior.
Hope Focused-Marriage Counseling expresses love as defined in relation to the Bible. However, the motivation or drive of wanting is commitment power to love Agape and faith works. Agape type of love is only depending on the power of God. May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ?
Chapter 1. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.people.vcu.edu/~eworth/manuals/leader_manual_hope_nographics.doc
Thessalonians 3 (Blue Letter Bible: NASB - New American ... (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=2Th&c=3&v=1&t=NASB
Without the presence of the Spirit there is no conviction, no regeneration, no sanctification, and no cleansing, no acceptable works. W.A. Criswell
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