While we may wish for it, it simply doesn't exist. To be honest, it's the imperfections that make being together so interesting. Perhaps that's why relationship psychology is such a popular subject. One of the ways a lot of people use it is to patch things up when they get rocky, or even after a break up has happened.
The general principle behind relationship psychology is to teach both partners to recognize certain behaviors in themselves and the other person, and to arm them with effective ways of handling problems when they arise. The reason it's important to learn about it is that no two people are alike. It's typical for people to think other people think like them. In other words, they project their own point of view onto the other person, and then get frustrated when that person acts in a way that doesn't line up with their pre-conceived notions.
A large part of the problem is that the sexes tend to think so much differently from one another. For example, men tend to place more emphasis on actions. So, when a woman keeps insisting on talking things out, the man will try to avoid it. And if they can't avoid, they usually won't enjoy it. But, the catch is that women, generally speaking, do need to talk about things. Relationship psychology takes care of that problem by using this information and finding a solution that makes both parties happy.
You may not be able to have a perfect relationship, but what if you could have a happy one with virtually no arguing; where both of you feel fulfilled; where both of you feel loved and freely give love. It's not impossible. Sure, it can take some time to learn these new techniques, but it's more than worth it when you start seeing the results.
But what if you are trying to get your ex back? Psychology still works! The key is to try to get back together, but to do it in a way that's not too pushy. If you try to hard, your ex may pull even further back, and you could ruin any chances of working things out that you may have had. Knowing how your ex's mind works will give you the edge you need to get them back.
Now, you shouldn't use relationship psychology lightly, or for the wrong reasons. It's powerful stuff, and you are dealing with somebody else's life. That being said, as long as your motivations are pure, then there is nothing wrong with learning and using these tricks so the two of you can be happy together.
Having somebody special in your life is essential to being completely happy. There are times when it will take a lot of work, and other times things will be running smoothly. Either way, you can put the power of relationship psychology to work for you.
Monica Watts-Hopkins,MpsyD-c, FLE, BSHA
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