Sure, being together was great...for a while. Maybe the break up happened suddenly, and caught you completely off guard. Or maybe you started seeing little cracks in the relationship but hoped they would go away or be fixed. Either way, you are now in a position you really don't want to be in.
Not so fast! You need to be cautious here. You have to make sure you are not making assumptions. You may have broke up, but you only broke up. That doesn't automatically mean that your doesn't--or never will--have feelings for you. There are a lot of reasons why break ups happen. For example, it's entirely possible that your ex broke up with you because they were loving you too deeply, and that scared them.
So, you need to find out how your ex really feels before you can say "I'm in love, but my ex isn't". It's all too easy to think you know how they feel because your emotions will be a bit out of kilter after a break. That means you could be misreading any signals they are trying to send your way. That's why it's so important to find out how they feel from them personally.
While you will want to talk to your ex about how they feel, you don't want to do it too soon. You have to give them enough time to settle down and come to terms with what has happened. Remember, the break up isn't any fun for them either. And, who knows, maybe they're saying, "I'm in love, but my ex isn't" as well. But you will never know for sure unless you ask them.
Chocolate Apples
How long you should wait before approaching them is up to you. In other words, you should know your ex better than anyone else, so you should have a pretty good idea of how much time they will need to come to grips with things. However, it's a good idea to err on the side of caution and give them a few more days than you think they need before approaching them for the first time.
As you can see, thinking thoughts like "I'm in love, but my ex isn't" doesnt help anything. They are nothing more than assumptions until you find out for sure. Assumptions that can make you miserable for no reason. But you don't have to be miserable, and could actually end up being happily together again, if you simply ask your ex how they really feel.
The material contained in this and any other communication from Monica Watts Hopkins-Baldwin is an expression of opinion and is not to be construed as legal, medical or professional advice. This material may only to be used for personal entertainment purposes.
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