functional relationship because they're "Got their man Sprung"? These
Women will often brag that their man is securely wrapped around their, neatly acrylic finger
and have them "Put a Ring on it".

Well, Don’t Believe the hype, If Mrs. Berry can get dropped like a hot Black Berry Pie any One Can!
These armature Divas mistaken if they think playing mind games with their guy is going to make him stick around. I beg to differ on that one.
The late-night stalker phone calls, the jealousy ploys and
getting-him-to-change ultimatums are all short-lived strategies
guaranteed to make him leave eventually.
You and I know that getting your man to stick it out with you for
the long run is not based on lies or deception. Classy women such
as you and I, should be above scheming and manipulative tactics that
will only make that fish flop back to sea.
(Assuming of course, that a respectable guy would fall for a game
player in the first place!)
The self-respecting woman is good at catching their guy by having
them come HER way without having to tug on his strings like a mad
puppeteer. Their attitude simply leads them to do the things that
condition a man's mind into exuding gentlemanly behavior. (...or the
kind of mentality that gives HER the strength to move on if he
isn't right for her!)
It's her attitude that keeps men from overstepping their
boundaries, without making them feel chained to the proverbial ball.
In fact, today we'll be covering three traits that are part of what
a quality woman IS and does in her daily dealings with the
oh-so-mysterious opposite sex.
In this modern age of political correctness and equal rights, men
and women are on equal footing in many fields, be it business,
arts, entertainment, politics, and so on. The dynamics in
male-female relations have changed so much over the past few
decades that traditional roles are now interchangeable.
No longer does the wife have to stay at home and watch over the
kids by default. Nowadays, it isn't rare to find double-income
families or those that have the Dad working out of home while Mom
is carving out a kick-ass career for herself in the office.
I'm all for these new changes taking place in the social landscape,
but I ask you: where does that leave men and women in the dating
scene? Are guys supposed to let us open the door by ourselves?
Are we free to walk home alone as we part ways at the end of the
Most of all, he supposed to pick up the tab, or at least split
Such convoluted questions, are they not? But here's my take on the
whole matter - sure, with equal rights come equal responsibility.
Yet, women are the ones who give birth, who have to put up with
uncomfortable fashion trends and who, in many cases, are STILL paid
less than the men who do the SAME work.
So I say, let him be the gentleman if he's dating you. When it
comes to love and courtship, it is a natural given that men are the
pursuers and we are the, um, pursues (for lack of a better term).
Therefore, it follows that said pursuer will want to go out of HIS
way to please his dream girl. The losers on the other hand, will
let her pay for the whole bill.
Besides, who says you're going to make him pay for ALL of your dates?
There's nothing wrong with splitting the tab after you've gotten Married or
more serious later on.
At the beginning however, don't stop him when picks up the bill.
Let him prove his worth to you, and then you can take it from there.
Even in the face of equality, don't start correcting your man if he
wants to treat you a like a lady.
The only thing though, is that you shouldn't come across as though
you're entitled to it just because you're sharing the same
breathing space as him. Be pleasantly friendly, engage him in good
conversation, and show REAL interest in what he has to say.
In other words, be a good date in order to "earn" his chivalrous
affections. Just remember to show him that you appreciate those
little things that he does for you.
#2 Stay Posted
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