What are your hypotheses regarding the existence of these attitudes? Why do these negative trends exist?
Studies indicate that women’s marriage attitude started to decrease since 1976 and is going on to date. At first, these attitudes were triggered by factors like women’s liberation movements and sexual awareness revolution. Above 30% of women have resulted to “shack ups”, where they live together with men before marriage. Most women who are not married are still wondering whether they will have happier marriages rather than shacking up (Ford, 2010, p.2).
According to Dr. Scott Stanley there are many births which occur to married women that the unmarried. The rate of unmarried women has increased since 1960, from 5.3 percent to 41.0 percent by the end of 2009. Since 2001, births resulting from cohabiting couples have increased. Among those who get married for the first time, there is a 40-50% of divorce. Many of these marriages have ended within three to five years, especially for those who are between 25 to 29 years. However, within the first and the second year marriage seems to be nice and with few problems as compared to cohabiting.
My hypotheses regarding the presence of women attitudes and negative trends concerning shacking up is influenced by commitment priorities and women individualism. As I always say, an important decision any woman can make in life is to love, honor and cherish oneself. I truly believe a strong sense of dignity is the key to lasting happiness and fulfillment. While the media and musical artist such as Beyoncé Knowles band hit song Destiny's Child - Independent Women promote this new scheme of female liberation and independence about having a fantastic life, but they want to share it with someone special. Many women may avoid union to leave their options open, to ensure they have found just the right person. In addition, Woman as myself know that, no matter what path life may bring, they desire a partner that is going to stick together through it all in which they would need to solidify this with a commitment. Many women personal sense of commitment may or may not include legal paperwork (aka marriage), but may involve commitment trends such as a verbal agreement between a couple to date one another exclusively. Every woman's expectations are different, and has become perfectly social acceptable as long as the man in their life is honoring the relationship!
Women view marriage with regards to economics, costs and benefits of relationships, and become reluctant to get married. This is clearly depicted by the interdependency theory, which tries to assess the state of relationships based on rewards and costs in order to evaluate how such relationships influence the individuals involved (Miller & Perlman, 2009, p.178). This theory assesses the level of satisfaction, value of alternatives, and income to determine the facilitating factors in establishing relationships. In essence, woman are now more independent than before because they have professional knowledge and jobs, and thus commitment is marriage is becoming low. This implies that women have alternatives that can prevent them from the risks of divorce or destructive relationships, and perhaps may assume cohabitating is more beneficial.
There had been times in my life when I had to settle, for example stuck in the middle seat on an airplane, or when my breakfast order is not correct and I do not have time to ask for a new one while late to work! It is a part of life we can not have things just perfect. However, when it comes to todays’ relationships, because women celebrated independency there is certainly no reason to settle for less than what they. Today’s women are aware there are certain things in a relationship that require compromise for example spouse wants to live in the big city, but the other is set on living in the mountains, it makes sense find a balance where both live happily.
Destiny's Child - Independent Women by Drunken-Li-Dragon
However, this compromise does not stand for unhealthy relationships that wear women down, and ultimately does not live up to their expectations. In conclusion, cultural standards and marital problems experienced by women can result to negative attitudes about marriage. Currently, women feel more independent because they have better alternatives, such as cohabitating rather than getting married. This is to avoid over-commitment in marriage, which is depicted by married couples. However, even young children, especially girls, get negative attitudes from their parents whose marriages are not successful. Apart from counseling marriage couples, young girls and boys should also be counseled through school programs that educate them on desirable attitudes that will promote positively about marriage in the future. The government should also create campaigns that encourage women to go for marriage counseling where they are helped to solve marriage problems.
Ford, A. (2010, March). The urge to merge: Does shacking up lead to breaking up? Retrieved from http://www.divinecaroline.com/22072/94998-urge-merge-shacking-lead-breaking
Miller, R., Perlman, D. (2009). Intimate relationships (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
All Rights Monica Watts-Hopkins Baldwin , Universal Image LLC.
Dr Monica Hopkins-Baldwin-Candidate
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